Saturday, March 28, 2020

Relationship between oral health and nutritious diet

Everyone very well knows that a healthy diet is good for overall health. But did you also know that a healthy diet is an essential aspect of good oral health? This means the type of food we eat daily affects the health of the teeth and mouth, according to the best dentists inNorthborough.
The reason for this is the body of the human beings is a very complex machine. That's why the food we choose and eat often affects the life of the teeth. If you take too much sugary food, then your tooth will decay fast. And as per the Northborough dentists, this is the common problem popping in all the age groups, especially in young kids.
This tooth decay happens when plaque deposited on the teeth comes directly in contact with sugar that forms acid to attack teeth. Moreover, tooth decay is the last stage of the teeth when it is destroyed, but before that, cavities start forming in the teeth.
This, you can say, is the first sign of tooth decay. And this is also a widespread problem which is caused by diet. Family dentists in Northborough are of the view that cavities are caused via various factors which are also inclusive of bacteria inside the mouth, frequent snacking, not cleaning the teeth properly, sipping excess sugary drinks, etc.

Sugar and carbohydrates from the diet with the help of bacteria convert into acid in the mouth. And this acid starts eating your teeth, making them black in the form of holes in the teeth. And on the other hand, due to these cavities, bad breath is also another issue.
So, a Northborough family dentist recommends eating a healthy diet and taking care of your teeth by brushing, flossing.
Foods you must eat for healthy oral health
A diet that is rich in calcium and phosphorus is beneficial for strong and healthy teeth like milk, cheese, nuts, etc. Apart from this, green vegetables like spinach, broccoli are also high in calcium that helps in making teeth healthy.
Moreover, fruits and various vegetables are very high in water, which helps in diluting sugar from the teeth.
So, ensure that you must take care of your diet on a regular basis if you want reliable and healthy teeth for a lifetime. Furthermore, time to time, take an appointment from the dentist, and have a routine check-up.