Friday, June 19, 2020


A good oral health can help protect your teeth and keep bacteria at bay. The oral bacteria are prone to grow inside the mouth causing many oral infections and other potential health complications. It can also affect the quality of life. Crooked or missing teeth could hamper your speech; eating and chewing can become painful and you may become cautious while smiling. This may lead to costly dental procedure. Being a resident of Northborough, it is always advised to visit your Northborough family dentist regularly. Dental problems are easier, cheaper and less painful to treat at early stages rather than at advanced stages. Cavities are said to be the earliest signs of tooth decay or other teeth-related problem.

 Knowing when your teeth are sending signals of any dental problem is very important. You can identify your problems when you start feeling sensitivity to hot, cold or sweet foods. This means you have cavities and you need to get them treated as soon as possible to avoid bigger problems. Cavities can be caught by the dentist while regular check-ups. These cavities are sensitive areas of your teeth where decay has already taken place exposing the tooth roots. Fillings and capping or even root canal therapy could be suggested by the dentist for such cavities depending upon the damage.
Northborough dentist at Lavana Family Dental can be your choice because we consider your problem as our priority. Family dentist is an important part of our lives. Keeping in touch with your family dentist could benefit you and your family. Everyone in a family can consult with our family dentist Northborough.
Dental Implants
A dental implant is a tooth replacement made of titanium resembling a screw. It can be implanted in place of a missing tooth or multiple teeth in both upper and lower jaw. The root of tooth is replaced by screw-like implant. The dental implant is stable and comfortable and successfully merges with the jaw bone and resembles the original tooth.
Anyone who is missing one or more teeth due to accident, injury or tooth loss or decay is eligible to go through the procedure of dental implants.
Lavana Family Dental offers the best dental implants Northborough. We have the experienced team of dentists who carry out the procedure very well. We understand the problems you are facing and then accordingly suggest you the best treatment option available. So smile with confidence!