Tuesday, October 13, 2020

How painful erupted wisdom teeth are? What to do when the third molar is coming out?


Being in between the age of 17 to 25, the pain of impacted wisdom teeth can occur anytime. It is the third molar occurring at the back of the mouth. It pains even severely being of less space to develop or emerge naturally.

Wisdom teeth (molar teeth) are the last adult teeth come out into the mouth. Most people usually have four wisdom teeth in their mouth- two on the bottom and two on the top.

When a tooth erupts in a minimum space, it will be painful. And when the pain goes beyond than tolerated, contact a dentist in Northborough MA for sure; otherwise, the following complications can happen:

·        It may develop a sac within the jawbone. This may further form a cyst that can damage the teeth, nerves, and jawbone. In rare cases, a tumour which is usually noncancerous can develop.



·        It may damage the second molar if it pushes it. It may also pressure other teeth, which, in turn, will heal with orthodontic treatment. 

·        Partially impacted wisdom teeth are more harmful because it has a higher risk of tooth decay. Besides, an inflammatory gum condition known as pericoronitis can occur. 

 When should I consult to Northborough family dentist?

 Third wisdom teeth do not always have signs. Unfortunately, when it starts paining, the pain is uncontrollable. Besides, when a third molar starts infected, it damages other teeth too, resulting in dental problems. Thus, in the following conditions, you must move to a Dentist Northborough MA:


·        Bad breath or unpleasant taste

·        Jaw pain

·        Swollen or red gums

·        Bleeding or tender gums

·        Pain or difficulty in opening mouth

·        Swelling around the mouth


What is the cause of wisdom molars pain?


Wisdom molars teeth become painful as they don’t get adequate room to develop or erupt normally. Some people don’t face any difficulty during the eruption stage while others experience awful pain because the mouth is too crowded to get the last tooth. 

How to prevent unnecessary pain from wisdom molar teeth?                                                              

Regular six-month dental appointments to a family dentist Northborough is an ideal solution to keep away from unnecessary erected molar teeth. This will allow a dentist to monitor the growth of your wisdom teeth.

Lavana Family Dental is the best family dental care in Northborough to get guidance and treatment of your third molar tooth.


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